About Garry Fleming
Garry grew up in the southern suburbs of Sydney. He spent many afternoons with his Grandfather, Lawrence Balzan, fishing the nearby river. His Granfather would tell him stories of the "olden days". This was the inspiration that began a lifetime love of story telling and the natural world. His first job was as an illustrator with a souveneir company . It was here that Garry mastered his artistic talents under the guide of Andrew Patsalou, the Senior artist, who proved to be a great teacher in colour and painting techniques.
At the age of 21 Garry left his fulltime job to persue a full time career in wildlife art and story writing. His career to date has been credited with many awards and achievements including the Wilderness Award for literature twice, The Whitley Award, the Zoological Award, and the RAS Birds and Wild flowers art prize -1st place - 3 times.
Garry has more than 150 book titles to his credit , published in over 56 languages around the globe. He sells most of his work exclusively through the Morpeth Gallery NSW Australia. They are highly sought and have increased in value considerably over the years. Garry continues to be one of the worlds most published wildlife artists.